
I maintain a diary of my feelings using Daylio which I publish to this site daily. I wrote a bit about it on my blog, if you are interested in how and why.

I felt good

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  • Cleaned the apartment and mopped the floor. Everything is so clean!
  • Had Olivia over for dinner, so nice to catch up with a friend!

I felt bad

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  • Day was going great until I attempted to make goyza with frozen wrappers ☹️ I couldn’t get them to fold right and the repeated failures pushed me over my breaking point. I threw the bowl of filling into the sink, making it go everywhere. Spent 2 hours cleaning it up.
  • Did my first play through of Aviary Attorney. What a great homage to Ace Attorney. Going to try to get the other endings for sure.

I felt good

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  • We cooked together!
  • Work went great!
  • Stayed up late, just chilling.

I felt rad

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  • Yet another day in paradise at work. The bad thoughts can’t get to me if I’m having fun!
  • During therapy, we discussed how the CSA box is wrecking my relationship. It’s just too many veggies and not enough planning. WE ARE PLANNERS!
  • Worked too late cause I was having fun. Will pay for it tomorrow but whatever.

I felt good

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  • See the end of the tunnel on a big project at work, which feels great.
  • Improvised a weird dinner of gnocchi, roasted beets, and pesto with a cucumber salad together. Ended up pretty good, though.
  • Kinda slept walked through the day and was very muted by the end of it.

I felt good

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  • Made some great progress on side projects (Daylio uploads are working AND I got a nifty data display working on the album preview page in album-mode.party!)
  • Minor tiff at dinner. Probably on me for not helping unload the CSA.

I felt rad

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  • Haven’t posted in a bit cause I busted the Daylio uploading functionality
  • Work is going really good. I’m on two really fun, meaty and important projects, which is a nice change of pace.
  • Married life is getting better and better.

I felt good

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  • Had a dentist appointment (I’m their favorite patient cause I take good care of my teeth) and then met up with Rachel at Chelsea markets and had dinner.
  • Date night and we got home before the sun set!

I felt rad

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  • Work went okay, working on a tricky component that I’m struggling to get through.
  • Saw Brennan for the first time since pre pandemic! So nice to see that he is doing well!

I felt good

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  • Weekend was very chill. Just stayed in, played games and chilled.

I felt good

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  • Made a green sauce / goat cheese Dutch baby for dinner. OMG so good!
  • Too many meetings.
  • We’re going to introduce retros into our marriage weekly.
  • Finished The Bear season 2. Loved the Forks episode.

I felt good

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  • Really getting into the zone on this bundle / Typescript project at work. When it’s typed, it all makes sense.
  • Just chilling on the personal projects. Really want to wrap two of them up and start fresh on something new.

I felt rad

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  • Really busy July 4th! Went to Brooklyn and had not one but two friend hangs!
  • Got Ethiopian for dinner! My favorite!

I felt rad

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  • Work went great. Had like no distractions and got to work on a fun Typescript project.
  • Stayed up late coding cause tomorrow is a holiday!

I felt good

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  • Took a bit of time off from journaling cause I was busy with coworkers in town and just got tired.
  • Overall, doing good. Cooking is going good. Zelda is good.
  • Being married is weird. Thinking a lot about what we owe each other now.

I felt bad

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  • Work went okay except one person was a jerk to me and I’m angry about.
  • Voting and CSA pickup went well.

I felt good

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  • Worked in a WeWork with some coworkers, was pretty fun, will do it again this week.
  • Got in bed early, which was a nice thing.

I felt good

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  • Recovery day from the anniversary party.
  • Made a Sicilian lentil pasta that was excellent. Also made a green sauce from all the left over herbs (and apples) from the CSA this week. It’s like a savory green juice!

I felt rad

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  • Bier & Cheese Collective’s anniversary party was great.
  • Woke up very late and had a lazy day.

I felt good

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  • Had some fun meetings at work that have me jazzed
  • Got my site sorta running again, stuff is so wild.
  • Finished Someone, Somewhere szn 2. Not as good as the first, but understandable given the circumstances

I felt good

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  • Work went better, tho I ended the day with a bunch of dread.
  • Spent way too long cooking and I made one part way too spicy. A rare strike out caused by me not tasting as I went ☹️

I felt meh

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  • Days back at work are blending together. It’s okay tho. Caught a fun fastball at work.
  • Stayed up late coding and I hate it. It’s gotta stop.

I felt good

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  • First day back at work post vacation went pretty okay. Smashing my head against a little thing that I should have wrapped up soon.
  • Picked up our first CSA box. So many veggies! Made a risotto with greens and beans and a salad. Gonna be a veggie filled summer!
  • Side project stuff is going nowhere and somewhere at the same time.

I felt rad

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  • I’ve been off the grid getting married to the love of my life.
  • Wedding went perfectly, all the planning paid off. It was so nice to see all of our friends and family in one place.
  • Took the week off to enjoy ourselves. Went to Woodstock for a long weekend in a cabin, which was nice.

I felt good

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  • Spent the day debugging an annoying CI issue at work. Happy to have solved it, but also thankful that I no longer have to do dev ops more that 5% of the time.
  • The smoke was wild. Hopefully it blows over by the weekend.

I felt good

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  • Today was the same as yesterday. Everything is a blur but I’m holding on.

I felt good

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  • I just keep aimlessly coding, both professionally and on personal projects. I feel like it’s calming stress somewhat but also… I’m getting somewhere.

I felt good

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  • Recovery day!
  • Recreated my dinner from the previous night the night after. Orchette, broccoli rabe and spicy sausage in a zesty broth. So good.

I felt good

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  • Continued deep cleaning our apartment and got a haircut
  • Went to Rachel’s college reunion. It’s nice to see and dance with her friends from back then!

I felt rad

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  • Work went okay, got some nice shout outs that I only sort of deserve.
  • Went to a party at Adam & Emily’s. Left with a set of placemats and a glass to crush at my wedding.

I felt good

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  • Work went well, I’ve gotten better at CSS without even thinking about it.
  • Made this delicious squash scampi with white beans. Gonna be my dish of the summer.
  • Therapy appointment was interesting in that we need to recalibrate the tools we need to work with.

I felt bad

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  • Last day of volunteering with Code Nation for the year 😭 The kids gave me a very nice thank you note and we played games. Even though there were ups and downs, it was fun.
  • Work was a mixed bag cause I felt off and made a mess of myself during lunch. Went home and fumbled my way through the day.
  • Didn’t eat much which just threw off everything.

I felt good

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  • Had fun at work triaging some issues. Good to be in the mix. Having a lot of fun using Redux, oddly enough. Gonna do some heavy UI stuff tomorrow, gonna finally learn CSS transitions.
  • Side project stress coding went well.
  • Conference call about the wedding with my groomsmen went well, sad to see some of them struggling tho.

I felt rad

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  • Memorial Day! Did a lil picnic in the park.
  • Started reading Traffic by Ben Smith, pretty good and interesting so far.

I felt meh

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  • Slept in, stayed inside, played Zelda and binged Invincible.

I felt rad

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  • Lil Astoria Reddit meetup was fun. Got a little to drunk, but that’s what happens when they have High Life.

I felt rad

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  • Wine tasting for our wedding! We got a lil too drunk.
  • Work went okay, we’re pairing agains, which is nice.

I felt good

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  • Work went pretty okay
  • Made brothy dill butter beans for dinner, always a winner
  • About to throw my hands up about this Netlify situation for Album Mode. I need to fix this weekend, come hell or high water, it’s making me sad.

I felt good

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  • Teaching went really well, we plowed through the content with minimal distractions.
  • Really feeling myself at work. I’m cooking and it feels good.

I felt good

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  • Work went a lot better than yesterday. Got some props which was nice. Time to keep it rolling.
  • Shuman family zoom about the wedding was good. β€œJonathan, have you been to a wedding?” No. β€œI’m sure you’ve seen a movie with a wedding.” It will be like Runaway Bride.

I felt bad

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  • Work got a little better, was able to stress code some stuff for work
  • Stress coded some more stuff after work. Went far yet ended up nowhere

I felt awful

  • Woke up extremely stressed out. Seemingly able to work through it, so maybe it’ll turn out okay.

I felt good

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  • Brunch with Henry and Natalie. Then we went produce shopping at the brothers and walked home.
  • I tired to cook red dandelion greens but they tasted awful πŸ˜‘ Chicken turned out great tho.

I felt good

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  • Woke up late. Ended up cleaning the kitchen and the walls. We reorganized the pantry. All around good day.

I felt meh

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  • Felt ill and took the day off
  • Started the show, Jury Duty, so funny
  • Made a surprise carrot risotto for dinner

I felt rad

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  • Had a very intense therapy appointment. We’re gonna put in work!
  • Work went okay.

I felt meh

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  • Teaching went about as well as it could have.
  • Work was a mixed bag. Logged off and just wandered around the city for a bit.
  • Surprise Remix meetup was fun as was seeing people I know.

I felt good

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  • First day back at work after my little vacay. Lots has changed in my time away, seemingly good things tho.
  • Quickly made hot honey chicken thighs and broccoli for dinner which turned out very good.

I felt good

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  • Returned from NOLA.
  • Ate a salad for the first time since last week.
  • The new Zelda is sooooo good!

I felt rad

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  • Went on a tour around the Garden District in NOLA. It was nice to get out of the Quarter and see a more relaxed side of the city.
  • Had an amazing dinner at the Mosquito Supper Club. It was a prefixe menu that you ate communally. We ate with a mom and daughter from Boston and it was very fun!
  • So much coffee!

I felt rad

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  • Got a delicious brunch of a pork chop Benedict with pepper gravy and more than half a pitcher of mimosa
  • Went on an educational tour of the French Quarter
  • Charbroiled oysters are a mixed bag. Taste amazing but sooo rich.
  • I got deflated at the end of the day. My feet hurt and I was tired of drinking. We saw a all female brass band that was rad but I was too tired to fully enjoy it.

I felt rad

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  • Traveled to NOLA. Got drinks on Bourbon street after a delicious po boy. Saw a little jazz.

I felt good

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  • Setup our wedding after party and then got a little day drunk watching soccer
  • Packed for my trip to NOLA

I felt rad

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  • Teaching went just okay. Some kids are sorta into it, others are checked out, it is what it is.
  • I walked the entire length of Central Park. I started at 50th and 10th (school) and ended at 125th and Madison (M60). Ended up being a 10 mile trip with a detour for a French dip, cocktails and Zabar’s! What a beautiful day!
  • Got dinner with Stav, so happy to see them happy!

I felt rad

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  • Went to the Tenement Museum with Rachel as we played hooky from work.
  • Nice to wander around Manhattan.

I felt rad

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  • Wandered around Astoria enjoying day 1 of my lil staycation. Weather was so very nice!
  • Got an amazing sandwich for Merguez & Frites! Spicy sausage, fries and liquid brie πŸ˜‹
  • Saw the movie Sisu, what a dumb gory movie that I enjoyed pretty much every moment of.

I felt good

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  • Mopped the floor for the first time in months. Apartment is so clean now!
  • Made a delicious mushroom horseradish sheet pan dinner

I felt rad

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  • Cleaned and swept that apartment. Time to be clean!

I felt good

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  • Wrapped up all my work at work! Beat the buzzer for my vacation!
  • Picked up our wedding rings!
  • Hung out at the Bier & Cheese Collective and had a fun conversation!

I felt good

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  • I had to work late to wrap up some stuff before I go on vacation. Felt good to have a clear purpose and no distractions. Maybe that’s what’s throwing me off my groove. Distractions and no purpose? Ehh let’s go on vacation and figure it out with a clear head.

I felt bad

  • Presented some stuff at work that was only moderately accepted. Long ways to go on some of it.
  • Had a bummer of a meeting to end the day tho ☹️ Burnout is making everything terrible.

I felt meh

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  • Started the work day off with no anxiety but that shot up in the afternoon. Was still able to hit flow tho.
  • Made a childhood throwback meal of pasta + Raos + spicy sausage. It made me feel like I was 13 again. Got a little emotional.
  • Stress coded some stuff

I felt meh

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  • Day ended on a much more chill note. Was able to hit flow coding and push some thoughts from my head.
  • It was nice to have some easy leftovers for dinner.

I felt good

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  • Work was a grind. Tomorrow will be better, I’ll will it so.
  • Went to The Thirsty Koala for dinner and then randomly bought wedding rings afterwards.

I felt meh

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  • Rainy day. Stayed inside, cleaned my bathroom and played some games.

I felt meh

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  • Assisted Rachel in her recovery from a bug by just hanging out in bed with her.

I felt rad

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  • Work went just okay, did a lil writing
  • Lil tiny party at Kadam’s place. Got to meet Kory’s wife, who is just delightful.

I felt meh

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  • Day ended on a somewhat muted note. I’ll get through it.
  • The bucket hat I ordered for Rachel showed up, which is very cute

I felt rad

  • Woke up early to create a presentation for demo day that went extremely well! Hopefully I was able to call my shot on my next project, but who knows.

I felt rad

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  • Work was wild but fun. Coworked with Landon and talked about the future (which we mostly agree about). Had a pretty stern meeting about new priorities that I’m excited about.
  • DATE NIGHT (where we actually ate dates). Got a drink and some πŸ¦ͺ at The Smith and then did the tasting menu at ABCv. Oh lord do I love ABCv. Had to roll me home.

I felt good

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  • Shuman family Zoom. Nice to see everyone!
  • Work went okay, lots of meetings with people.

I felt meh

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  • Did some skunkworks at work
  • Overall, just vibing

I felt good

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  • Traveled back to the city. Nice relaxing spring Metro North train ride
  • πŸ•Pizza πŸ• for dinner! Always a winner!

I felt rad

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  • Delicious dinner with the Shumans. Split a porterhouse with Rachel
  • Introduced Rachel’s parents to Joe Pera Talks With You, which they love so much
  • Finished the 33.3 book on Donny Hathaway, what a tragic figure

I felt good

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  • Shabbat lunch was especially delicious and fresh today
  • Made a trip to Millerton. Did some walkin’
  • Started reading 33.3 book on Donny Hathaway Live. Very interesting and fun to learn more about that album

I felt rad

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  • Traveled up to the Berkshires to see Rachel’s family. Shabbat dinner was laid back and fun.

I felt rad

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  • Work went okay
  • Completely improvised a dinner, made a funky pasta
  • Stayed up super late coding for fun and listening to music

I felt meh

  • Therapy went pretty good. Was able to describe my frustration (feeling powerless to control some things in my life/work) and how I can actually work on it (write things down, keep in mind that I’m the shit and carry myself as such)

I felt meh

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  • Teaching went just okay. Half of the class on the ball, the other half was a chaos.

I felt good

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  • Work went okay. Always love to hear people talking about the need to hustle.
  • Cooked really fast for dinner because I thought there was a family Zoom, turns out there wasn’t. Minor fight about cutting green onions along the bias ensued.
  • Cavs won!

I felt meh

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  • Work went okay, some things are lining up long term that are good that might or might involve me.
  • Started on the outline for a blog post about SQLite.

I felt meh

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  • Low key Sunday. Played games, did some errands, nothing crazy.

I felt rad

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  • Went to the Museum of Failure with Chris & Steph, was an interesting business analysis of failure that was also quite funny.
  • Ended up wandering around Industry City with them. It’s been built out a lot since I went to it prepandemic.
  • Got dinner at a low key French place in Williamsburg and then went to the Black Belt Eagle Scout concert at Baby’s All Right. What a great show, though it was extremely packed.

I felt rad

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  • We got our marriage licenses! It was very fun seeing all the couples getting married at the clerks office.
  • Coworked with Kory and got some drinks afterwards with him and Rachel.
  • Wandered from Wall St to the West Village. Waited a long time for a table at Tacombi. Food was great, service and atmosphere left a lot to be desired.
  • Got home and started watching Beef, which is excellent.

I felt bad

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  • Exhausted and hung over from the night before. The day was a struggle.

I felt rad

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  • Worked with the NYChordians! Always nice to gossip and meet new people.
  • I have a talk at a meetup that was well received. A few of my friends and coworkers came and over all just a great night.
  • Went rooftop bar drinking with some people that showed up for my talk. Always nice to meet new people.

I felt good

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  • Wrapped up a biggish task at work! More eventing!
  • Worked more on my talk, it’s just gonna have to be good enough, I’m so tired

I felt good

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  • Still felt nauseous but I was good enough to work and, most importantly, put in work for my talk on Wednesday
  • I have my demo doneish (might want to add one more just because) and the slides are coming together. Always gonna be a last second thing and I’ll probably need to lean into stage presence for this

I felt meh

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  • Still feeling a little sick, lots of nausea. Pissed that I couldn’t get more done on my talk.
  • Disco Elysium is so good!

I felt good

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  • Woke up and felt headachey and nauseous
  • Sucked it up to go to the Bronx for Orchid Night and some Italian food

I felt meh

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  • Tried to work but felt shitty also took the the day off

I felt good

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  • Felt a little off and took the day
  • The weather was just so nice that Rachel and I took a walk to 30th ave (in shorts, no less!) to do a little shopping at the fish market and the brothers. We ended up making a miso glazed salmon + spicy bacon chard + matzo

I felt meh

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  • Almost done with this feature at work. Lots of changes in a bunch of codebases
  • Really falling behind on my talk, might need to switch approaches to not be using a storefront and maybe just use Album Mode.party

I felt meh

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  • Cooked some beans for dinner!
  • Work went okay, getting into the zone is nice
  • Slacked on my talk and just went to bed early

I felt good

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  • Work went okay, able to hit flow more often, which is nice
  • Talk is coming together. Have step 1 of the demo done and some more slides. Still a long way to go
  • Finished my dumb font plugin and the Astro update to my site. Such a pointless thing to do with my time.

I felt meh

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  • Lazy day. Just did some cleaning and errands.
  • Made a spicy carrot risotto for dinner, lots of work, but so good

I felt rad

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  • Took the cats to the vet! Took Fonzie to brunch afterwards!
  • Worked a little bit on my talk, slowly getting there.
  • Spent the morning working on a playlist for our wedding. That was a lot of fun!

I felt rad

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  • Work went great, was laser focused on launching.
  • Met with our wedding DJ, we picked the best people to help with our wedding.
  • Kabbalat Shabbat! Met a lot of new people and it was fun.

I felt good

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  • Work went pretty good
  • Got a talk proposal accepted, I have so much writing to do now
  • Made honey chicken lettuce cups for dinner. Not my favorite dinner, but Rachel liked it, so I’ll probably make it again.

I felt good

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  • Signed up to give a meetup talk next month!
  • Met with my work’s new head of customer success and they pointed out things that needed to be done that I’ve been saying for a bit. Very validating and get me pumped to run through a wall!
  • Still have a little bit of a flu.

I felt bad

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  • Had a lil flu, stayed in bed and played games and slept

I felt rad

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  • Went into the city to cowork with Kory. Super fun and I was still productive at work.
  • The plumbing was quickly fixed this morning, taking a huge weight off my shoulders.

I felt meh

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  • Undid all the patchwork plumbing bullshit I did yesterday so that the super can make fixes without lecturing me. It’s weighing on me heavily.
  • Went for a late lunch and little walk around the neighborhood in the nice weather. So excited for spring!

I felt good

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  • Home improvement Saturday!
  • Rachel and I made a little trip to Home Depot to get some supplies for the under the sink organizer. Got some Pakistani food on the way back in this run down spot that all the cabbies eat at that was delicious.
  • Seems like I broke some plumbing in the process of setting up the under the counter storage. Will have to bother the super about this.
  • Replaced the top on my standing desk with a much larger one so that Laverne has more space. So much home improvement.

I felt meh

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  • Work had a little of discomfort, but we’ll get through it.
  • Started setting up some under the sink organizer. Very excited for a bunch of organization down there.

I felt good

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  • Launched, for realz, this annoying refactor that I had to do. It wore me down by the end, but I did it right, and that’s all the satisfaction I can get from that.
  • Made white beans and eggs for dinner. My beans became mush by the end, which is what I wanted anyways, but I would love to be able to make a pot that doesn’t. Maybe I need to add a lot more water up front?

I felt good

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  • Had to work a little late to get this breaking change thing out off hours. Thank god it’s done! Now I can focus on… modals. What a world πŸ˜…
  • Just kept it rolling after that and did a little fun coding for the first time in a month. Getting more of a vision for a talk.
  • Cooked my favorite comfort food dish of crispy gnocchis and Brussels sprouts πŸ˜‹

I felt bad

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  • Work had too many meetings and not enough time to work
  • Had a rough exit therapy session. I’m moving on to another therapist because their scheduling is impossible, she’s moving to private practice for similar reasons. She gave me a list of things to think about and talk with the next therapist about. I cried when she told me how proud of me she was.

I felt meh

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  • Busy day of meetings at work. Got a little burnt out after hour 3 of them.
  • Met with our florist at the venue to talk through what we want. The flowers on my vest are going to have a little bit of rosemary!

I felt good

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  • Traveled back from my bachelor party. Got Cook Out and traveled across North Carolina. Very bumpy flight back.

I felt rad

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  • Main bachelor party day! Did a bunch of things in Asheville! Brunch! Donuts 2x! Breweries! Dinner! Dungeons & Dragons!
  • We played this game where we gave each other compliments and it was very heartwarming.

I felt rad

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  • Traveled to North Carolina for my bachelor party. Landed in Raleigh and road tripped to Asheville. Had some delicious food, got fitted for a suit and just vibes with friends & family I haven’t seen in a bit. The AirBnb I reserved is so beautiful!
  • Dungeons & Dragons was pretty fun!

I felt meh

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  • Last day of work before my mini vacay. It went pretty good.
  • Had an intense call with Lou, our wedding officiant. β€œBuying a car is important. How is this different?” Got some more homework to complete.
  • Packing was trying for my trip

I felt good

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  • Volunteering went okay, coding is fun!
  • Work went pretty well!
  • Remix meetup was awesome! We will see if connections were made!

I felt meh

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  • Work went great. We got through a lot of productive conversations.
  • Talked to my psychiatrist, gonna keep my meds in place. Sadly, I’m going to fire my therapist and try a new one in their practice. The admin at my current therapist is actively hurting my mental health because they won’t schedule a recurring appointment.
  • Watched all of the new Frontline about the age of east money. A lot to think about in it. I did a live tweet of it.

I felt awful

  • Woke up with cold sweats in a waking panic attack. Took the day off. Slept. Played some games. I don’t know why I’m so tender.

I felt rad

πŸ₯© πŸ₯‘ πŸ’†β€β™‚οΈ ✈️
  • Traveled back to the city. Rachel made me this delicious conte and cornishon sandwich. I will try to make this on my own.

I felt rad

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  • Took a hike at the Aubodon. It was a little stewy because of the snow, but still beautiful and peaceful
  • Took a little trip to Great Bearington, got a spicy chocolate ice cream
  • Fancy dinner at the inn, wish I could at least pay half, but I need to get them back money wise

I felt rad

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  • Took off work cause I was in a weird place and needed to run some errands for the weekend trip.
  • Got a milder sandwich from Sandwich King to avoid the heartburn. It was perfect.
  • Traveled to Rachel’s parents. They were happy to see us and didn’t sweat us about the wedding.
  • Shabbat dinner with Zelda & Stefan. What an interesting pair of people, a little annoying in a good way tho. Stefan speaks in a pattern of a Borsht Belt comedian but he’s not very funny.

I felt awful

  • Woke up really stressed out and didn’t want to go upstate cause I was in a bad place. Rachel talked me into going, which I decided to take on.

I felt meh

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  • Work had an exhausting amount of meetings.
  • Had depression after work, had depression Chipotle

I felt rad

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  • Volunteering went really good! The kids were cruising on Javascript, the teacher just needs to keep it rolling.
  • Work went pretty good, I was able to get into the flow deleting code.
  • Went to a concert with Adam. It was a jam packed showcase show with a bunch of bands that I’ve never heard of that were pretty good!

I felt good

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  • Work went okay, was able to fix the prod that I broke somewhat intentionally. Tomorrow is more writing πŸ˜‘
  • Made a spicy miso carbonara for dinner. It was alright, tho I burned the bacon.

I felt good

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  • Work went okay, lots of calls, but deadlines were met!
  • Made shrimp fried rice for dinner, turned out great!

I felt rad

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  • Woke up late and cooked a fancy lunch of soft tofu, lettuce and rice.
  • Purim spiel at Oliver’s was pretty fun. Always nice to meet new people
  • Went to T&J’s housewarming party. What an eclectic group!

I felt rad

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  • Talked wedding stuff with Rick at Astoria Bier & Cheese. Things are slowly coming together and we’re feeling a lot better about it.
  • Stayed up late coding because I can.

I felt good

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  • Made a deadline at work early, now to do more than promised.
  • Went to a Polish restaurant near us and had like the best pierogis. There was a large family next to us that we found very amusing.
  • Week wore us down!

I felt meh

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  • Had a conference call with my wedding party to build Dungeons and Dragons characters for my bachelor party! I’m going to be drunk criminal goblin chef monk. Lots of stuff to work with there!
  • Work certainly kept me busy.

I felt bad

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  • Too many meetings at work, not enough progress. It’ll get better.
  • Was just tired after work and slept

I felt meh

🏚 πŸ₯© πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ πŸ₯‘ 🍜
  • Work was exhausting. Too many meetings compared to the amount of work that needs to be done on deadline.
  • Made pumpkin & peanut butter soup, always a favorite in our household.
  • Felt anxious in the evening, but I was able to breathe and focus on good things.

I felt meh

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  • Work was tricky but still easier than last week
  • Skipped lunch and ate late but didn’t get too unhappy

I felt rad

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  • Chores and Eli’s party. Always nice to go to a party and meet new people.

I felt meh

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  • Got into the zone coding, which hadn’t happened in a bit

I felt bad

  • Worked in the city tho all my coworkers ghosted on me ☹️
  • Made burritos while I drank a stout which made me day better

I felt good

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  • Today was a lot better. Got a little fastball that I’m going to try to knock out of the park at work
  • Coworked with Landon today. Always nice to do stuff in person.

I felt awful

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  • Woke up on edge and it just got worse. Nothing really bad happened, I just snapped. I called emergency therapy (did some basic CBT work to get balanced) and psych (adjusted my meds slightly) appointments that helped a great deal. Was able to finish the day on a high note.
  • Wrote a lil blog post about my journey to a Lua based Neovim config that I’m pretty proud of.
  • Wrote an apology email that needed to be sent as it was weighing heavily on my mind.
  • Tomorrow is going to be lot better, I just know it.

I felt meh

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  • Presidents’ Day off! Played Metroid Prime all day
  • Rachel and I were watching a funny movie in the afternoon. It was so funny that Rachel accidentally chipped her tooth laughing so much. That put a damper on the rest of the day. That said, there was a point where she was crying AND laughing at the same time, which was fun.

I felt bad

πŸ“Ί πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ 🍜 πŸ’†β€β™‚οΈ
  • Felt sad all day
  • Made a delicious bean stew tho
  • Really awful depressive wave just hit me as we got home. I need to get my meds adjusted.

I felt rad

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  • Museum date day! Went to the Guggenheim and then went to Cafe d’Alsace for an old person time dinner (ate at like 5:30pm)
  • We remembered eating there with Kathrine & Dan so we texted them and what do you know, they were 10 blocks away so we got to meet them while they were in the city!

I felt good

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  • Work was very productive
  • Went to Astoria Bier & Cheese for a lil after work drink and date
  • Finished the Afterparty, so funny and well done with a great twist

I felt awful

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  • Broke down a little at work, but I’ll bounce back
  • Delivery debacle brought us down a little

I felt good

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  • Make up Valentine’s Day dinner. We went to Palma in the West Village, which was excellent.
  • Felt very unmoored after work and walked about 40 blocks to clear my mind. I think I have plans and I’m more than a little sad, but there are ways I think I can make things work.
  • The WeWork in south Times Square is my new fave. Love the patio!

I felt good

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  • Valentines Day! Made Marry Me chicken for dinner and a crΓ¨me brΓ»lΓ©e for dessert. Both turned out very good and no one was left hungry!
  • Got the β€œscaries” about class tomorrow
  • Documentation project is chugging along
  • Thought I had lost my birth certificate and social security card, but I found it. Ruined most of my morning tho.

I felt good

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  • Super Bowl Sunday! Cooked and watched the game

I felt meh

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  • Played Metroid Prime and chilled

I felt rad

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  • Tiny Blue Ghost concert with Anjie was fun! Wish we were standing, but it was a good concert!
  • Work went okay, starting to get into my zone.

I felt good

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  • Sorta wrapped up planning at work, time to grind!
  • Made a very delicious French Onion Frittata. Will def make again!

I felt rad

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  • Big day of progress at work thinking about how documentation can assist sales cycles. Tomorrows a big day in which I need to wrap up planning for the quarter and it’s just a bunch of writing more things down in my head
  • Fixed some long stand bugs in the side app

I felt meh

🏚 πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ 🍜 🌿 πŸ“š
  • Work went just okay
  • Made this super delicious doenjang brothy bean stew with rainbow chard that turned out perfect. Used Hochan’s mom’s doenjang, which was so tasty!

I felt bad

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  • Felt down all day, lots of anxiety
  • Finished Paul T Goldman, what a character study of a horribly flawed man

I felt meh

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  • Rachel and I went to a French restaurant in our neighborhood which was pretty good
  • Sunday Scaries!

I felt meh

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  • Too cold out to do anything but be cuddly and play games

I felt good

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  • Finished some planning at work
  • Saw a play, A Bright New Boise, with Kris & Blaire. The play was just alright (good performances & set design, source material was a little weak tho) but it’s always nice to see them.

I felt rad

🍜 🌿 πŸ’Ό
  • Manhattan date night! We went to ABCv and had extremely good vegetarian food
  • Volunteering was sorta bad but it is what it is